Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cuban Marabu Weeds

All around the globe, alternative fuels are becoming more and more important. Recently, in Cuba, a new type of biomass is being used as renewable energy. The new biomass is marabu weeds, these weeds grow quickly and are invasive to Cuba's sugarcane. A British company, Havana Energy, has recently invested in building a power plant that will use renewable energy from the marabu weed.

This shows that corn ethanol is not the only kind of biofuel out there. People are constantly looking for the next best biofuel but this is dependent on the country. For the U.S. which is the major producer of corn, corn ethanol makes sense whereas Cuba has the fast-growing marabu weed which makes it suitable as a renewable energy source.

To learn more about Cuba's marabu plant as a renewable energy source, visit these links:

Special thanks to Angela for showing this to us.

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