Remember 10 years ago when corn was really cheap? I remember when corn was on sale, it was $1 for 12 ears of corn. Steadily over the years though, corn prices have risen. Nowadays its a bargain when corn is $1 for 4 ears of corn. And yes, there has been inflation over the years but it doesn't explain why the price of corn has risen that much.
The corn grown that is used for corn ethanol production cannot be used as food for humans. However, it can be used as feedstock and has been used as feedstock for many years by farmers. But due to rising prices of corn, farmers have found alternative ways to feeding their livestock. One such way is using high fructose corn syrup candy. Also, since its mandated by law by the United States that increasing levels of ethanol be produced every year, less and less land is being used to grow corn that's edible for humans. There is only so much arable land in the United States and by using more of it on corn, other crops suffer as well.
For years now, the debate Food vs. Fuel has calmed down but due to the recent drought it has revived the debate. Many people including the United Nations have started to look into the issue more closely as the debate goes on. Many cartoons like the ones below have surfaced over the years that usually have to do with the debate, Food vs. Fuel.
Food vs Fuel debate revived: